string of attacks

美 [strɪŋ əv əˈtæks]英 [strɪŋ ɒv əˈtæks]
  • 一连串袭击
string of attacksstring of attacks
  1. The incident was the latest in a string of attacks


  2. At least 22 people were killed in a string of attacks in Iraq today , including an eight-year-old child .


  3. The blast at the Farid Shakar Ganj shrine in Punjab province was the latest in a string of attacks targeting Sufi shrines in Pakistan .


  4. Peshawar police said Taliban militants who have carried out a string of attacks in retaliation for the Pakistan army 's two-month long campaign against their safe havens in the tribal region of South Waziristan were behind the attack .


  5. Israel , which also boasts a vibrant gay community , has suffered a string of attacks in recent years , too , such as a shooting at the Israeli LGBT Association 's Tel Aviv branch in 2009 which killed two people .


  6. The French news agency said the violence started when a young Christian woman was found murdered , triggering a string of reprisal attacks on both sides .


  7. Well , I only went as far back as 1942 , And found that there 's been a string of animal attacks Periodically in and around this town for the past 75 years .


  8. And , more recently , a string of hackers ' attacks have temporarily disabled some of the best-known e-commerce websites .


  9. Abbas hopes the conference will regain the Palestinians international support after the collapse of peace talks in2000 and a string of suicide bomb attacks by militant groups .
